Long long time ago

Wowzers. I can't actually remember the last time I wrote a new post, that is too too sad. Well I apologise profusely for being so slack but in my defense it has been completely mental here for what feels like forever!

We have just finished selling our b-e-a-utiful new Spring Summer 2010 collection. We showed at London Fashion Week for the first time in a while and had a wonderful time. Now I know you lot like to get a heads up about what's hot and what's not so here are a few of my favourite exhibitors from LFW:

For beautiful bags then look no further than our fave - Ally Capellino. Super stylish, practical and fun, these bags will last you a life time. Love love love.


For jewellery then head straight for Tatty Devine. Their goodies are so much fun and make the perfect gifts and if you feel like treating yourself then there's no need to feel guilty because the prices are divine too! Hurrah.


Another new jewellery favourite is Comfort Station. Amy's creations are a mix of quirky style and materials (gold, black onyx, walnut to name but a few) all put together in a really original way which make a statement without being overwhelming. I think her jewellery is absolutely genius and I'm sure you will too. Head down to their shop on Cheshire Street, just off Brick Lane or shop online!


For fabulous headgear check out Bernstock Speirs. Wooly hats with a pom pom and a veil? Yes please. Honestly it's just out and out brilliant. You can find the Autumn Winter Collection at Dover Street Market (impressive non?), at their shop on Brick Lane or online. Winter wooly must haves gang. (And they do boys and girls so you can get matching His and Hers styles! I'm sure your menfolk would LOVE that).


And last but certainly not least the wunderbar YMC. Now generally I try to avoid touting other clothing designers on here but I'm afraid I couldn't help myself this time - I just love YMC! They've got it all - Womenswear, Menswear, frocks, jumpers, shoes. It's win win win with this lot. If you aren't familiar with the brand already then I suggest you rectify this immediately. Here's how:


Ok enough about everyone else already back to us!!!! Squat's going to be in the new edition of Selvedge which is very exciting - he's actually having photos taken for it now. Very funny watching him play dress up for a change, it's always us girls and the poor thing does feel ever so left out! I'm in super spirits because I'm taking my AW09 goodies home - I actually have one of the jersey dresses on now and it is brilliant. So comfy. (All I need to do now is persuade Squat to let me take home one of those delicious Harris Tweed jackets.......).

I'm afraid we've been a bit slow getting some of the new winter stuff online as we've been so rushed off our feet but it will be ready to in the next week or two and I promise it's well worth waiting for.

Photos of SS10 to follow tomorrow.

Wishing you all a happy Thursday night - try not to drink too many glasses of Cab Sav, remember there's still one day left until the weekend!

Much love to one and all xxxxxx

Exciting news...

Why hello there,

And how are we on this bright and sunny morning? Well, afternoon actually! Stuck at the office, slightly too hot and no air-con? Well, here’s something to put a smile back onto your face! I have something special to show you...

I hear you scream...."the suspense is killing me, show me, show me, show me!" - As you can't quite control yourself, I'll give in. Just for you lovely shoppers, I'm revealing a sneak peak of our Pre Season Collection, which I am pleased to tell you, this will be available online on Thursday - how fantastic is that?? - So have your wallets at the ready, here is a little taster...

You will feel this angry, if you don't purchase one of these cardi's before they are all gone!

Ahhhh but wait, there's more! Our main A/W Collection is full of beautiful goodies, which are perfect for making you look and feel fabulous this season! We have a fantastic range of Harris Tweed coats - not only will you be warm and cosy, but you'll look amazing while doing so! Love it; kill two birds with one stone! We have some lovely chunky knits (hand woven) for those chilly evenings soon approaching us....saving the best till last, we have some stunning floral prints and gold Lurex numbers that will have you as the envy of any event!

I feel you smiling already, waiting patiently for the new arrivals! - how exciting! but, If you have any questions or queries please feel free to ask, info@ghulamsakina.com! before i go and wish you a lovely afternoon...
Just a quick reminder about our cake competition, the last entries are needed by the 31st October, so get creative and send us your designs!
Much Love,
Ghulam Sakina.

A Fete Worse Than Death

Hello hello one and all,

And how are we this miserable Wednesday afternoon? I have once again been foiled by the weather and have got my outfit totally wrong. Yesterday too hot. Today too cold. I have had to steal some old socks I found in a drawer (possibly from a look book shoot as I think they're a little too glittery to be Squat's although I could be wrong...) Well in any case I am now sporting a rather fetching thonged sandals, knee high socks combo. Not very fashionable I'm afraid but I've never felt the need to suffer for my art.

Ok that's not entirely true, I have worn some pretty ridiculous things in the past.... I don't know if anyone remembers a little TV programme called Clarissa Explains It All. Hmmm well I went through a pretty awkward stage of dressing like a cross between Clarissa and Liam Gallagher. Oh god and then there was the semi-grunge stage, DMs a Fido Dido T-shirt and a string vest style jumper over the top. Oh well, you can't win 'em all right? Right?!

Still onto things far more fun than my fashion faux pas..... a fete worse than death!

Some of Squat's clever friends are organising a series of "summer" (I use that term very loosely) fetes, starting this Sunday 16th August at The Queen of Hoxton here in our very own fair city.

So what's it all about? They've taken all the best bits of a Village Fete and combined it with fun and games, a roof terrace, barbecue, local designers (like us) and djs. Pretty good huh. Yes, I rather thought you'd agree. You're so very smart like that.

Now I know not everyone lives in London, but if you do, or you have friends that do, then jolly well pop down I say! Follow the link and find out all about it for yourselves.


It's going to be lots of fun I promise PLUS you get the chance to get your hands on some billy bargains from among others, the one and only, Ghulam Sakina! Woo hoo. I know. So bring your wallet, bring an appetite and bring some friends for goodness sake. It's the perfect Sunday afternoon filler.

Onto some rather more glum news - for you, not me - I'm only going on bloomin' holiday tomorrow aren't I which means no more ramblings for over a week. Ahhhhh how will you cope? Goodness knows but stay strong my friends. Eat cake, shop online and if you get the chance to watch My Monkey Baby on More4 do that. It is WEIRD.

Ohh ohh ohh and if you're feeling in a theatre mood go and see "The Girlfriend Experience" at The Young Vic. It was written by another one of Squat's very clever friends Alecky Blythe. We went to see it last night and it was phenomenal. It's funny, touching, poignant and gives the audience an incredible insight into a world we often try to forget exists. I give it a full 2 thumbs up.


Anyway my dears enough from me. Don't forget the fete and get your bums down to the theatre. I'll speak to you all very soon. Oh oh oh and don't forget about the Cake comp!!!!!

Much love as ever xxxxxxx

G2 Ad AND a Brand New Competition!

Hello hello hello,

Exciting times are upon us. Not only have we taken our online sale up to 80% off (on selected items of course) but we've also gone and launched another blooming competition in The Guardian G2 today haven't we!

It is almost too much excitement to handle. Shall I tell you all about it? Ok well it goes a little something like this.... (and yes that was a reference to the dance CLASSIC "It's Like That" for those of you cool enough to remember it)!

Anyway... as you may know, it's our 10 year anniversary coming up this Autumn. And yes, we are planning something fun fun fun to celebrate. But what of the competition I hear you scream?

We're asking you wonderful and fantastic people to design a...... BIRTHDAY CAKE! Design and cake has there ever been a better combination. I think not.

The deadline to send in your entries is October 31st 2009. If you want to make a cake and send us a photo then you can, or you can just draw a design and send that to us instead. Whatever you want really, as long as it represents 10 years of Ghulam Sakina!

Send your designs along with you name, address, email and contact telephone number straight to our studio!

Ghulam Sakina Ltd
Studio One
Fairmule House
27 Waterson Street
E2 8HT

Of course if you have any questions or queries then don't hesitate to get in touch. We love hearing from you! Email us at: info@ghulamsakina.com.

I'm so excited! Big kisses to you all.

OH I totally forgot to say, I went to see Hamlet last night - the production starring Jude Law. It was AMAZING. I've got to admit that after Alfie and the whole Sienna thing I'd begun to lose faith but his performance is spell binding. Nice one Jude.



Open Sailing

Ahoy there mateys!

I have an interesting proposition to put forward to you all. Squat's good friend Cesar is embarking on an extraordinarily wonderful cultural voyage. Cesar is studying Design Interactions at the Royal College of Art in London. As part of his degree course Cesar is developing software and hardware which will be used in the construction of a future International Ocean Station. Exciting? I know!

So this may all sound a little weird and wonderful at the moment but it's an incredible concept that he and his friends are trying to turn into a reality, and guess what - he needs YOUR help!

If any of you happen to be good with you hands - oh please don't force me to make a terrible joke here - or your heads then Cesar needs your help!

Carpenters, seamstresses, physicians, accountants, graphic designs, lawyers, mechanics, cheerleaders. Workers of the world unite and come together to get this concept off the group and into the sea.

For more helpful information about this project then check out Cesar's Gumtree ad:


It really is a wonderful thing so even if you can't spare the time to help then have a look and learn all about what this talented young man's project is all about!


Dresses and Jackets and Jumpsuits, Oh My!

Heydi-ho campers!

I hope you are all wonderfully well despite the somewhat erratic weather we're experiencing down in London Town. It's playing havoc with my wardrobe. But enough about me (for now).... it's Su-su-studio news time.

The last couple of weeks have been a complete blur here. Our Spring/Summer 2010 collection is nearly ready to head out to India for sampling and it is looking wunderbar. Hannah and Liz have worked wonders, cutting and sewing and cutting and sewing again to get everything together and I am getting increasingly excited.

I'd like to think that I provided Squat with most of the inspiration for the collection, but sadly that would be a lie! He is always very kind of me though and lets me have my say so I can pretend I'm designing too. I don't know how he does it but it's a lot of fun to watch! We've got toiles all over the studio and we've all been trying them on to see what looks best. So, essentially what I'm saying is we've been playing dress up. Great.

That all sounds like a terrible amount of fun I know but I can promise there has been PLENTY of hard work going on. We've added some more stock to the website so more people can get there hands on our goodies. Oh and I've been trying to learn about Twitter and Flickr. Now, I'm a simple girl so these things confuse me somewhat so it would be stupendous if you lovely people added us as a friend or start following us on Twitter. As you can imagine, the thought of having to condense what I say into only 250 character frightens the life out of me, but I'll endeavour to give it a jolly good go!

Pics and tricks to follow soon my dears. Until then, enjoy the sale and enjoy the sun that I've just started to see peeking through the clouds - yipee.

Much love as ever xxxxx